Grandpa Cai and His Garden
by Sam Ankenbauer | Illustrated by Jenny Kalejs  | Picture Book  | Published 05-01-2022

Photo of Grandpa Cai and His Garden

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Grandpa Cai and His Garden is the sweet story of a grandfather's journey, accompanied by his faithful dog, to grow vegetables in his garden and then use them in a dinner for special company - his grandchildren! Told in both English and Chinese, Grandpa Cai and His Garden emphasizes the importance of nature and family. This bilingual story book is a delight!

Photo of Grandpa Cai and His Garden
Sam Ankenbauer

Sam Addison Ankenbauer is a doctoral student at the University of Michigan School of Information. In his spare time, he likes to read, walk around outside, and hang out with his family. He is from Commerce Township, Michigan.

Photo of Grandpa Cai and His Garden
Jenny Kalejs

Jenny Kalejs is the Outreach Coordinator for University of Michigan Biological Station. In her spare time, she doodles, marvels at the natural world, and tries to get people to play sports with her. She is from Spring Lake, Michigan.


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